past perfect

The silent screen siren and Charlie's angel from Facehunter are perfect examples of why it is so important to thrift. Susie did an interview with Make Do & Mend on the importance of shopping in vintage and charity shops. As someone with a high waist that is quite small, I prefer the silhouette that vintage clothing provide me. I cannot stand low waisted pants or skirts. The result is that most new clothing fits too tight around my hips and too loose around my waist. Used clothing from decades ago also has the added bonus of providing new inspiration. That is why all designers--from Abercrombie & Fitch to Fendi--have personal shoppers whose job is to scrounge thrift stores. Put almost any vintage find in a mix with current fashion and the result is timelessness. These two women are exemplary of successful mixing of vintage and modern pieces.
i love vintage clothing. and i like the outfit in the second picture a lot - i wanna have that jacket!!
Soo true. It's crazy how 'modern' designers are always updating by going backwards... I see it all the time. Good post.
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